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Clearances in the warehouse are always going to be something that you will have to be concerned with. Warehouse racking collapse is a real and common issue that you must avoid at all costs. It is important to pay attention to the clearances and ensure that the space you have set aside for merchandise is following the rules for recommended clearances for pallet racking. After all, doing so will help you prevent racking collapse and make your warehouse a safer place to work in general.

It Starts With the Beams

Before starting the measurement process, you need to determine how many pallets you’ll store on the rack. Estimate which pallet size will be the best use of space and how many pallets the space’s width will fit.

To start the measuring process, first, measure the length between the upright beams. Remember that you are not measuring the overall length of the rack but rather the length of the beams between the upright posts. Keep in mind that building and fire codes require five inches of space between the upright posts and the pallet. As such, you must factor the depth of the rack and the pallet into your measurements.

Why Does Rack Depth Matter?

The most important thing to remember about rack depth is that measuring it requires consideration of the pallet depth. In most cases, pallets should always overhang equally over the front and back edges. Factoring these overhangs in will allow for easy access by forklift.

While you may want to overstuff racks to increase storage capacity, it is important to consider the difficulty of placing loads into the racking after they have been overstuffed. In most cases, this will cause problems with storing safely. As such, you must measure from the front of the rack to the rear. If you are worried about your workers continually overstuffing racks, consider researching pallet rack spacing products like pallet rack wire deck dividers.

Measuring Helps Determine Load

In general, measuring will help you determine the maximum load you can safely store in any area. Knowing these measurements and making them as accurate as possible will help you plan for future expansion and current inventory. It will also give you the peace of mind of knowing that your warehouse is safe in its storage methods.

We hope that you have enjoyed this article on the recommended clearances for pallet racking. If you want to purchase any accessories related to pallet racking systems, reach out to Rack Safety Products! We have a huge selection of anything that you might need relating to pallet systems. 
