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When it comes to pallet rack maintenance and care, many people are at a loss. This area is fairly complex, so it can be hard to know what to do in different situations to ensure that your pallet rack system stays secured no matter what. If you find that you are in this situation, you need to read below. We have detailed some of the reasons you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor.

Prevent Catastrophic Damage, Injury and Death

If one rack were to be hit or toppled in an earthquake you can pretty much guarantee the rest of the warehouse will topple like dominos and anyone or anything in its path will be crushed.

Protects Your Inventory From Falling

One of the biggest reasons you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor is that doing so protects your inventory from falling. This is beneficial in the event there is a collision with one of the warehouse racks or a natural disaster occurs. Bolting your pallet racks to the floor will help protect your products from falling. In addition, bolting your pallets to the floor will help minimize shaking on the tops of the pallet racks, where most of the dangerous forces that will throw off packages occur.

Keeps the Shelving From Tipping

Another reason you should bolt your pallet racks to the floor is that it will help ensure that the shelves will never tip. While warehouse shelving may be heavy, it’s not that heavy when compared to the forces forklifts can produce. As such, if you do not bolt your warehouse racking to the floor, a simple touch from a forklift may send it toppling over, which may even cause a chain reaction and destroy your entire warehouse. When you take this into account, it becomes pretty obvious why you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor.

Saves Money in Inventory Loss

The last and perhaps most important reason you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor is that it saves money in inventory loss and repairs in the case of a warehouse accident. In most cases, this event will be extremely costly for you and may even put you out of business. Because of this, you absolutely must take every precaution to ensure that your warehouse racking system does not collapse or topple. For this reason, you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor as doing so prevents this from occurring.

We hope you have enjoyed this guide on the top reasons you should always bolt your pallet racks to the floor. If you are installing a brand new pallet racking system in your warehouse and are looking for upgraded pallet racking accessories such as rack post protectors, reach out to Rack Safety Products today.
