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Rack decking is an extremely important part of maintaining a level of safety within the warehouse environment. Simply put, without rack decking, your warehouse becomes a precarious accident just waiting to happen. Here are the types of businesses that can benefit most from warehouse rack decking! 

What Is Warehouse Rack Decking?

Warehouse rack decking refers to the crossbeams that serve as a base for any pallets that may be stored on top. In some cases, the pallets that are being stored may be smaller than the width of the crossbeams. The rack decking makes it possible for these loads to still be loaded onto the racks by increasing the amount of load-bearing surface.

What Role Does It Play in Warehouse Safety?

Warehouse racking plays a huge role in ensuring that loads are safely stored within any racking system. Rack decking that is damaged can greatly decrease the efficacy of any racking system. Remember that racking systems are somewhat delicate, with any upset in balance and weight distribution having the potential to cause collapse. This should illustrate how essential it is to ensure that the racking you have in place is undamaged and maintained. 

Who Can Benefit Most From This Racking System?

In practice, any and every business that utilizes a racking system will benefit from rack decking. In some counties, rack decking may even be required as part of your warehouse racking setup. If your company already has warehouse racking, be sure to scrutinize each decking piece. It is commonplace for a decking piece to be damaged through regular use!

We hope this article has helped you realize what warehouse decking is, its role, and what types of businesses can benefit most from rack decking. If you find that you need to upgrade or replace some of the damaged parts in your current racking system, be sure to reach out to Rack Safety Products! We have all different types of racking andpallet decking for saleat a competitive price! 
