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Wire decking is some of the most important safety features that one can employ within any racking system. Not only do racking systems provide a larger surface area for support, but they help keep the racking system steady and the loads kept inside balanced within. Even with how important these racking components are, many warehouse owners are still unsure as to the actual tangible benefit that these types of racking components provide. To educate you on how useful and needed these components are, this article will cover:

  • What is rack decking?
  • What are the different types of rack decking?
  • What are the benefits of rack decking?
  • How does punch racking differ from wire rack decking?
  • Who is punch rack decking for?

Here is how punch rack decking compares to wire decking!

What Is Rack Decking

Rack decking refers to the material that is placed on top of the shelves and rack load beams. These help better support loads that may differ in many sizes, shapes, and weight distributions. As such, having more than just a beam to balance a load on is preferable when safety is concerned. Besides providing a stable surface for any load to sit in, rack decking will often provide much more surfaces area for storage when compared to a racking system without decking in place. For this reason, many states are starting to require rack decking to be present within any racking system.

What Are the Different Types of Rack Decking Available To You

Before we get into the differences between punch racking and wire racking, it is pertinent to go over the full range of decking styles available to you. However, keep in mind that wire rack decking and punch rack decking are by far the best choices available to you!

Wire Rack Decking

Wire rack decking is a style of decking that uses a wire mesh that has been welded together to form a hard tabletop-like surface. The great thing about this design is that it minimizes material cost while still providing the best balance of load capacity and support! This type of decking also allows water to flow through, perfect for any racking system underneath a sprinkler.

Punch Rack Decking

Punch rack decking is another metal decking option that uses sheets of metal that have been punched out to form bars, cross-sections, or virtually any other pattern that you like. Like wire rack decking, these are best known for their great load capacity and support. These also come with the added bonus of being more aesthetically inclined when compared to wire rack decking.

Wood Decking

In some niche low budget situations, wood decking may be used. While not suggested, wood may be an extremely cost-effective, yet sturdy solution to some businesses’ storage needs under light use conditions. Be aware that if you use wood decking, you may be risking breaking your decking which may cause a racking collapse, so utilize wood decking wisely!

Perforated Steel Decking

Perforated steel decking is essentially a sheet of steel that has had material punched out in a pattern. This type of decking provides the most stable surface on this list for any materials, yet it may be one of the heavier and more costly methods to install. Even so, this type of deck is rated in the tougher area of rack decking and is generally worth the marginal increase in cost.

Bar Grating

Bar grating is one of the most heavy-duty options on this list, and is therefore the most expensive. This type of decking is most suitable for extreme use environments where the decking is likely to receive heavy use and abuse over its lifetime. In most situations, this type of decking is not applicable, as the extreme cost for sturdiness is not exactly something that may provide a benefit to you.

How Does Punch Rack Decking Differ From Wire Rack Decking

When it comes to punch rack decking and wire rack decking, there are a few metrics that you can use to differentiate them. As the name suggests, wire rack decking are steel chords fused together in a crossed pattern that provides increased stability. Punch rack decking differs in that it is typically made of various different sized tiles that have material cut out of them to reduce material costs. While this is the case, in general, punch rack decking is going to be a lot more hardy and sturdier of an option! As such, the most major difference between these two rack decking solutions is that the wire rack decking uses far fewer materials. As such, there is a lot more functional surface area with the tradeoff of reduced weight and lessened cost. Overall, these are both extremely comparable options that are likely to bring you the same quality as a result.

Who Should Use Which?

When deciding whether or not to use wire decking for pallets, it Is important to consider the type of use you expect to see with these pallets. If you expect to see heavy with use that could result in a lot of damage, it may be best to go with the cheaper solution in wire rack decking accessories. These racks will afford you the most amount of stability at a fraction of the cost of punch rack decking. However, if you expect to see that your racking systems are well maintained and you are also going for more of aesthetic stress over functionality, then the punch rack decking is probably the best choice. At the end of the decision-making process, the choice really comes down to what you expect out of your racking systems and the quality you expect to take care of them with.

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through how punch rack decking compares to wire decking. We know that it can sometimes be hard to decide on the best safety measures to put in place with your warehouse. However, with enough research and due diligence, you are sure to make your warehouse a safer place to work in! if you are looking for wire decking for pallets, punch decking, or anything in between, be sure to check out Rack Safety Products. We have a huge assortment of racking and racking accessories to ensure that we can fulfill any need that you may have.

How Does Punch Rack Decking Compare To Wire Decking
