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Warehouses are inherently dangerous areas to work in. Many heavy machines and loads move around the floor at any given time. This is why there are so many safety measures in place to prevent unsafe behavior. Because extreme danger is constantly present, it’s vital to know what behaviors are and aren’t acceptable in a warehouse environment. To help you delineate between safe and unsafe behavior, here is what it means to be safe while in a warehouse.

Being Aware of Surroundings

One of the most important things that contribute to safety is worker awareness. A majority of accidents happen due to workers being careless or inattentive. Sadly, carelessness in the warehouse is something you can only try to minimize. Accidents are always going to happen. However, being aware while these situations are happening will help minimize their effects on everyone.

Following Posted Safety Guidelines at All Times

In order to be safe while in the warehouse, one must follow the posted safety guidelines at all times. These signs are posted for specific reasons based on evidence. Having signage for any significant machinery crossings and loading bays can help remind workers who don’t interact with them often, thus helping them avoid potential accidents. Warning signs can also remind workers responsible for the equipment about the proper safety procedures in any given situation.

Being Prepared With the Proper Equipment

PPE, or personal protective equipment, is essential to staying safe while on the job. PPE is defined as any safety gear used to carry out any tasks while on the job. This could include

  • Hard hat helmets
  • Leather aprons
  • Face visors or masks
  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Work Boots

On any worksite, all workers must be outfitted with the proper safety gear. Not only will this make their job easier, but it will also make it a lot safer.

While the warehouse is inherently a dangerous place to work, there are definitely ways to be safe while in a warehouse. If you want your warehouse to have a culture of safety, enforce and verify rules to benefit the workers. Typically, this comes from diligent action on the part of both the workers and staff to create an environment that reinforces and rewards following safety procedures. If you’re looking to replace your pallet rack backing, wire rack decking, or any other element of your racking system, reach out to Rack Safety Products. They have a comprehensive and competitive selection to satisfy all your racking needs. 
