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The fast-paced, high-demand warehouse environment needs many properly designated signs. These indicate everything from pallet placements to safety hazards. They can make the difference between a disorderly, inefficient warehouse and one that accurately fills all orders in record time. There’s no questioning the value of signage on the warehouse floor and at every facility. But many businesses fail to update them as frequently or strategically as they should. This can cause issues in terms of short-term productivity and long-term profit margins. It’s also a source of concern for warehouse security. Here’s why warehouse signage is important and how you can improve!

How They Help

Suitable signage is required to keep personnel safe and promote an effective workflow in this type of fast-paced setting. Employees will always know where to go and how to act in specific locations or scenarios if they have the correct traffic indicators. Signs are also necessary to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI). While warehouse signs are useful in any facility, they’re especially crucial in third-party logistics (3PL) because seasonal demand variations may necessitate layout adjustments frequently. When this occurs, specific signage, such as aisle number indicators, can assist warehouse staff in efficiently locating and managing inventory. Without this direction, warehouses risk losing a significant amount of productivity every time layout changes occur.

Types of Warehouse Signs

Signs for warehouses come in various shapes and sizes. Their purpose or location determines their classification, although most fall into the following categories.

Safety Signs

Displaying signs throughout the warehouse or distribution center environment is one of the most effective ways to communicate safety rules. Safety signs should provide viewers with information about the company’s policies and processes so that they’re always aware of how to safeguard themselves and others. State fire codes and OSHA regulations may necessitate these displays in particular instances as well. Common examples include signs that direct forklift drivers, point to first aid kits, or draw attention to the presence of fire extinguishers.

Exit Signs

Exit signs help people in all areas of the warehouse safely find a way out when a power outage or another potentially dangerous situation occurs. These are similar in many respects to other types of safety signs. But you must also illuminate them to ensure that employees can always locate the exits quickly.

Aisle/Row Signs

Every aisle should have easy-to-read signs to ensure that both employees and contract workers can find necessary inventory as quickly as feasible. Warehouse aisle signs often remain affixed to posts. They can be flat, angled, large, small, plastic, or aluminum. Many businesses prefer large signs with bold, colorful lettering that people can see from afar. These signs should exist at all entry and departure points, not just at the ends of each aisle. You should also put them at any breaks that occur when numerous aisles cross, regardless of design.

Hanging Signs

Employees and contract workers should be able to discover necessary inventory as fast as possible if each aisle has easy-to-read signs. Warehouse aisle signs can be flat, angled, large, small, plastic, or aluminum as well. They’re similar to aisle signs, except they hang from the ceiling. They may also feature barcodes in some instances. Large signs with bold, bright text visible from a distance are preferable for many businesses. Like aisle signs, these signs should hang at all entry and exit points, not just at the ends of each aisle.

Dock Door Signs

Drivers and warehouse operators need to know where they need to go ahead of time, and signs fastened to dock doors provide that information. This sign type attaches directly to dock doors, and you can fit it with screws, adhesives, or even magnets. Durability should be a major consideration when displaying anything outside. Also, note that drivers operating at night can benefit significantly from reflective faces.

Safety Benefits

Even though not all signs are exclusively for safety concerns, they all play a role in keeping warehouse workers safe. Employees who are unsure of basic procedures, such as equipment protocol, inventory locations, weight limitations, or forklift routes, are prone to experiencing various dangerous incidents and injuries. The safest environment is one in which everyone knows where they should be and how they should always act.

Employee Productivity

Even the best-organized warehouse can be challenging to navigate at times. When all inventory has neat labels and signage is present to provide rapid visual cues, traffic can become simplified. Employees are less likely to unwittingly generate productivity-killing traffic bottlenecks between aisles when they can spot signals for picking, stocking, and other essentials. Signs are especially important for instructing staff in facilities that undergo periodic inventory restructuring. Employee productivity will surge when they can rely on signage to direct traffic and workflow.

Supply Chain and Warehouse Operation Efficiency

Signs promote corporate productivity in addition to individual employee productivity. Detailed signage reduces the likelihood of fulfillment errors, which affect customer happiness and warehouse efficiency. Furthermore, the increases in staff productivity that they bring about might result in a more dependable workforce at all levels, boosting overall time management. In the end, this ensures that the entire supply chain runs as smoothly as possible.

Decide What Works for You

While OSHA regulations may dictate where safety signs are in your warehouse to some extent, you’ll have a lot of leeway with the rest of your signage. All warehouses benefit from clear, comprehensive signage. However, the types of signs available and the locations you post them in will vary depending on the type of facility and the specific needs of targeted consumers or clients. Reflect on your needs to determine what signs to get and where to put them. 

We hope this article has helped you understand why warehouse signage is important and how you can improve it. If you are looking to purchase pallet racking safety equipment, be sure to reach out to Rack Safety Products! We have an amazing selection that ensures that we are your one-stop shop to make your warehouse a safer and more productive place! 

Why Warehouse Signage Is Important and How You Can Improve
